
Recommended stretching exercises at home

During daily work, Filipino and Indonesian helpers often require a lot of physical movement. For example, drying clothes, moving furniture, hugging the elderly or mopping the floor, etc. If the posture is not correct for a long time, it is easy to cause various physical problems, such as:

  •  Muscle fatigue

  • Fatigue and soreness in neck and lower back

  • Kyphosis

  • Chest pain


How do bad posture resulting in strain

  • If the body is fixed in a certain position for a long time or does repetitive actions (such as mopping, sweeping, etc.), it will cause muscle fatigue. Long-term poor posture, inappropriate/excessive strenuous exercise or being overweight can cause chronic strain on ligaments and cartilage, resulting in neck and waist fatigue and soreness. If pain persists, notify your employer and seek medical advice.

  • When standing and walking, if the helper habitually leans her body and shoulders forward, and bends her body frequently, the ligaments will be overstretched, and it is easy to form a kyphosis. A kyphosis not only affects the appearance, but also makes the shoulders easily tired and affects the expansion of the lungs.

  • "Wall Test": When you stand with your head and back against the wall, if your posture is correct, there will be only a small gap (about the thickness of your palm) between the neck and waist and the wall. If this gap increases or decreases, it indicates that the standing posture is incorrect.

Recommended home exercise


Items needed: Yoga mat and Yoga instruction DVD

Benefits: Promotes blood circulation, increases strength, strengthens muscles, improves concentration, increases flexibility, improves posture, lowers blood pressure, relieves pain, promotes digestion and improves balance. It can also relieve and prevent diseases including high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, low back pain, depression, headache and respiratory problems.

Rope jumping

Items needed: Rope and mat 

Benefits: Improves coordination of the body, strengthens the muscles around the ankle joint and in the foot, and reduces the risk of ankle injury. Consume a lot of calories for healthy weight loss and fat loss. Effectively increases bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis. Skipping rope is a simple and effective cardio exercise that can help improve cardiovascular fitness. Improve cardiopulmonary function and basic physical strength, improve breathing efficiency.

Back exercise (hold each movement for 5 seconds, repeat 10 to 15 times, 1 time a day)

Action one:

  1. Lie on your back, knees slightly bent, hands outstretched

  2. Swing your feet from side to side and turn your head in opposite directions

Action two:

  1. straighten your back

  2. turn the upper body

  3. Eyes on shoulders, hands on the back of the chair

Back exercise (hold each movement for 5 seconds, repeat a few times, several times a day)

Action one:

  1. Hands on waist

  2. Body bent backwards

Action two:

  1. Feet slightly apart

  2. Raise one hand high and bend your waist left and right

Action three:

  1. Standing, hands down

  2. Shoulders inward

Plank (from one set of 30 seconds, five sets at a time)

Items needed: Cushion

Benefits: Not only can train deep core muscles, reduce back and shoulder pressure, improve balance, but also strengthen abdominal, back, arms, buttocks and legs and other muscles, improve metabolic rate, long-term stick training can be more effective correction The problem of bad posture, one movement can train the whole body!

Steps: Keep your elbows and shoulders as wide as possible, support the ground at a 90-degree angle, keep your feet together, toes on the ground, and keep your back, abdomen and buttocks in a straight line, and maintain steady breathing.

Snake Pose (30 seconds per set, 3 sets at a time)

Items needed: Cushion

Benefits: Through the designated arc posture, stretch the whole body and the tired and tight shoulders and neck, and relax the body and mind.

Steps: Lie on the ground first, keep your feet straight and the insteps on the ground, then slowly lift your upper body with your palms on the ground, keep your arms straight and shoulder-width apart, and lean your neck back to maintain steady breathing.

Sunlight Employment Agency recommends that all helpers refer to the guidelines of the Department of Health and practice 30 minutes of exercise every day. It is not necessary to complete half an hour of exercise all at once. You can divide it into three times, each for 10 minutes. Employers can also allow children and the elderly to do sports together with Helpers, thereby improving the employment relationship.

References: Department of Health, Hong Kong Yoga Association, Athlete’s Blog

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