
How to deal with arguments with employers during the epidemic

How to deal with agrguments with employers during the epidemic

Recently, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong has been severe, and the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 1,000 every day. Many maids are not well informed about the latest news released by the government, so they still gather with their fellow villagers on holidays, which makes employers very anxiuous.

Some employers also published articles and posts through social media that foreign domestic helpers still insisted on going out to visit friends on vacation during the epidemic, they are worried about that their helpers' infection would affect their family members.

Sunlight Employment Agency believes that the vast majority of Filipino and Indonesian domestic helpers are willing to cooperate with the government and employers' epidemic prevention arrangements, but for the following reasons, there may be barriers in receiving latest information for helpers:

. Filipino and Indonesian maids lack of sensitivity to government news.

. Maid cannot find a reliable translation agency or organization to translate the language for them.

. The agency responsible for matching maids did not provide after-sales translation services for employers.

. The epidemic information among foreign domestic helpers is chaotic, only relying on the information circulating among friends and parents.

Cons of traditional maid center

The traditional maid center will end the relationship with the employer after charging the service fee, and will not provide after-sales service nor follow-up. Sunlight Employment Agency provides eight guarantees for employers, including independent translation department and expert team after-sales follow-up. The details are as follows:


. Independent translation department: instant phone or text translation, and provide foreign domestic helper counseling services.

. Expert team after-sales follow-up: provide comprehensive assistance, and a strong team of experts will fully cover your need.

In addition, wer also understands that foreign domestic helpers are likely to have a "Immunity" under the epidemic, so they specially produced the following video to help Filipino and Indian domestic helpers understand the latest relevant information:

Sunlight Tips

Sunlight Employment Agency  provides the following methods for foreign domestic helpers, so that foreign domestic helpers and employers can communicate more effectively on the epidemic situation:

1. Simultaneously share epidemic information with employers, including confirmed data, mandatory testing, listed premises, etc., so that both parties can better understand the epidemic situation in Hong Kong.

2. Explain to the employer the reason for insisting on going out on vacation, for example, because you need to buy daily necessities or send money back to your hometown.

3. Make good use of online shopping, or use online services to send money back to your hometown to reduce the chance of infection when going out.

4. Ask your employer about some high-risk areas, the latest epidemic prevention policies and other information, so that you can understand the current government measures and the legal responsibilities you have the opportunity to take.

Sunlight Employment Agency believes that good communication is the cornerstone of resolving conflicts between employers and employers. It is hoped that the above methods can reduce misunderstandings caused by differences of opinion between the two parties.

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