
Pre-pregnancy nutrition and eugenics

(I) Balanced nutrition

Variety of food, mainly grains, with fine and thick combinations;
Eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes;
Eat milk, soybeans or their products every day;
Eat moderate amounts of fish, poultry, eggs and lean meat;
Reduce the amount of cooking oil and eat light and salt-less meals;
Do not eat too much, exercise every day to maintain a healthy weight;
The three meals should be distributed reasonably, and snacks should be appropriate;
Drink plenty of water every day and choose beverages reasonably;
If drinking alcohol, limit it;
Eat fresh and wholesome food.

(2) Intake of trace elements in food

Couples who plan to give birth should eat more foods rich in animal protein, minerals and vitamins before pregnancy. For women, the trace elements that need special supplementation before pregnancy include iron, calcium, iodine, zinc and folic acid. Iodine and iron deficiency in the peri-pregnancy period can cause irreversible damage to the development of the fetal brain and nervous system, and the lack of folic acid may cause malformations of the fetal nervous system and affect the quality of pregnancy.
Iron-Iron deficiency before pregnancy can easily lead to insufficient maternal weight gain during pregnancy, premature delivery and low birth weight of newborns, so it is best to correct it before pregnancy.
Calcium---the bone calcium of pregnant women will be passively used to meet the needs of the fetus, which will seriously affect the maternal health.

(Iii) Prevent excessive supplementation of vitamin A and vitamin D

Vitamin A and Vitamin D, which are rich in cod liver oil, are fat-soluble vitamins. Due to the low excretion rate, the accumulation of large amounts in the body can easily cause poisoning. Common symptoms are headache, decreased appetite, and vomiting.
Excessive intake of vitamin D during pregnancy can cause low birth weight in newborns, and mental retardation in severe cases.

(Iv) Eat less high-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt foods

High-fat and high-sugar diets can easily lead to obesity, which in turn makes hormone levels disorder and causes infertility. Even the risk of birth defects in a pregnant fetus will increase.
The population's blood pressure level and the prevalence of hypertension are closely related to the intake of salt. When salt intake increases, blood pressure rises accordingly, and high blood pressure increases the risk of pregnancy complications.

㈤Don't eat raw food

Raw milk is suitable for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, because animal mastopathy, milking staff's hands and the external environment often result in milk containing many harmful microorganisms.
Raw eggs are often contaminated by bacteria, and the protein in raw eggs is not easily digested and absorbed.
Raw meat food often contains parasites such as worms and cysts, and eating these foods directly can make people infected with diseases.
Vegetables may be contaminated by microorganisms, parasite eggs, industrial wastewater and domestic sewage, and may also contain pesticide residues.
Frozen fish can kill mature parasites, but eggs and other pathogenic microorganisms can only be killed by cooking.

㈥ Eat less smoked, pickled and sauced foods

Smoked gas contains carcinogen benzopyrene, which is easy to contaminate food; pickled food contains high salt content; sauce-based food adds nitrite for color development and preservation, which can be converted into carcinogen nitrosamines, and excessive consumption It is harmful to health and may affect the quality of sperm and eggs.

(Vii) Eat less food with more food additives

Food additives such as synthetic pigments, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives, etc., excessive intake may damage sperm and eggs, and affect the growth and development of the fetus, and even cause miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth and fetal malformations.

Before pregnancy, you should try to eat less food with high content of food additives, such as food with particularly bright colors.

㈧Drink less coffee or caffeinated drinks

Drinking coffee and strong tea can not only reduce the body's absorption of iron, but also may cause undesirable stimulation to the fetus and affect the normal development of the fetus's brain. A severe excess may also cause fetal malformations.

∨ Drink less carbonated drinks

Excessive carbonated beverages may kill sperm and damage the eggs. If the damaged eggs and sperm combine, the embryo will develop poorly, which will affect the normal development of the fetus.
Excessive carbonated beverages may also have a direct adverse effect on embryonic development.
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