
Newborns' daily nursing and correct holding method

1. Observation of the overall situation of the newborn


(1) Pay attention to observe whether the respiratory tract of the newborn is unblocked, and let the newborn lie on its side to facilitate the discharge of the mouth and nose.


(2) Those whose body temperature is lower than 36℃ should be kept warm (put in the mother's bed), and those whose body temperature is higher than 38℃ should be found out.


(3) Pay attention to record the number of newborns urinating and defecating, and wake up the newborn to take milk regularly. Those who are sleeping can tap the soles of their feet and pinch their earlobes.


(4) Pay attention to whether there is bleeding in the umbilical of the newborn, keep the umbilical dry, and do not be contaminated by urine and feces. If you find omphalitis, seek medical attention in time.


(5) Give milk promptly after childbirth, and breastfeed as needed.


(6) If there is secretion in the newborn's eyes, ask a doctor for syrup and take the medicine on time.


(7) Check whether the newborn has physiological breast enlargement.


(8) Check whether the newborn has false menstruation (female baby).


(9) Carefully observe the neonatal jaundice and make a record.


(10) It is forbidden to deliver items from the newborn's head.


Second, the correct holding method


The neonatal neck muscles and nerves are underdeveloped and the muscles are soft. Care should be taken not to hold the newborn upright, but to make the elbow joint at an angle of 80°, so that the newborn's head rests on the nurse's forearm, and the ears are on the nurse's chest. When physical conditions permit, mothers should be allowed to hold more newborns so that the newborns can listen to their mother's heartbeat. The fetus has long been accustomed to hearing the heartbeat of the parturient in the mother. After birth, hearing this familiar heartbeat again will make it feel safe.


The common methods of holding a newborn are hand-holding and wrist-holding.


(1) Hand support method. Use your left hand to support the newborn's back, neck, and head, and use your right hand to support the newborn's buttocks and waist.



(2) Wrist holding method. Gently place the newborn's head in the bend of the left arm. The left forearm protects the newborn's head, and the left wrist and left hand protects his back and waist. The right forearm protects the newborn’s legs, and the right hand protects the newborn’s buttocks and waist. When using this method to hold the newborn, the hands and wrists will firmly support the newborn's head, so that it will not bend forward and backward.
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