
What is the job content and job position of the nursery teacher?

               1. The concept of nursery

Baby nurses are mainly engaged in the care, nursing and education of infants between 0 and 3 years old. With reference to national professional standards, the profession can be divided into three levels: elementary, intermediate, and advanced.

2. The job content of the nursery teacher

(1) Infant life care

(1) Eating, drinking, sleeping, "two stools" and "three baths".

(2) According to the characteristics of infant's nutritional needs, combined with the infant's eating psychology in different seasons, scientifically select and make nutritious meals.

(2) Baby health care

(1) Growth monitoring, vaccination, common disease care, treatment of abnormal conditions and psychological adjustment.

(2) Nursing of infants' physiological and pathological manifestations.

(3) Early Infant Education

(1) Cultivation of infants’ intelligence, physical stamina, social interaction, psychology and personality.

(2) According to the individual differences of each baby, develop a personalized teaching plan that fully conforms to the baby's physical and mental characteristics, and communicate with the baby's parents at any time.

Third, the employment trend of baby nurses

(1) Enter the kindergarten classes of early education institutions, parent-child kindergartens, and kindergartens as the main teacher.

(2) Go directly to the employer’s home to take care of the baby or provide appropriate nursing guidance to the caregiver.

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